Color Rendering Index: How Glass Affects Color Rendering

What Is the Color Rendering Index? The color rendering index (CRI) is a metric that considers how accurately a color is rendered under lighting conditions as compared to its rendering under natural ...

Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 includes close to $400 billion for energy and climate projects directed at reducing carbon emissions 40% by 2030.

Glass Options for Enhanced School Safety

49记录学校枪击事件在2018年和2019年, according to Education Week, and another 8 in 2020, safety in schools remains a top priority issue in the U.S.

Celebrating 10 Years of the Glass Insider e‑Newsletter

For over a decade, the Vitro Glass Insider email newsletter has provided the glass industry with engaging, educational updates on glass trends, case studies, design challenges and applications.

Finding the Right Glass to Eliminate the Green

The Common Uses of Clear Glass Clear glass is extremely common, and is popular in a variety of architectural design applications. From applications ranging from vision glass to spandrel glass, clear ...

How to View Glass Samples

When designing commercial spaces, choosing the right type of glass is critical. In order to choose the right product, evaluating a glass’s aesthetic characteristics up close by viewing a glass sample ...

Why Specify Which Type of Glass?

Choosing the right architectural glass is crucial to a successful project. For more informed decisions in the evaluation, selection and specification of architectural glass, Vitro Architectural Glass ...

"Spec Check”: Accuracy Key to Compliant Specifications, Successful Projects

Imagination and creativity are critical skills that enable architects to create beautiful, vibrant and sustainable buildings. However, one aspect of successful projects that often goes under the ...

Cost Considerations in Specifying Vitro Architectural Glass

To make more informed decisions in the evaluation, selection and specification of architectural glass products, Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG glass) recommends using an installed systems ...

How to Read Color in Glass

Glass is one of today’s most versatile building materials due to its virtually unlimited aesthetic options and outstanding energy characteristics. The breadth of glass colors available is one reason ...